The Persistence of Pain

Our resistance to pain

Anne Chisom
2 min readMay 7, 2023
Photo by Jairo Alzate on Unsplash

Pain finds the weakest points
At the worst times, always
Pain is produced in the brain
And we have the power to stop it,
Or over-power it, science says.
At what point does our power lose
To pain’s persuasiveness
Throughout the brain?
How can we silence it, crush it,
Break through it to regain
Our access to the brain’s
More pain-free parts?
Feeding it with attention
Helps it grow stronger

If you think the poem above reads like it’s unfinished, you’re right. I have written bits and pieces on the theme of pain every time I’ve been hospitalized in my adult years.

I spent the first part of this year in the hospital, followed by 32 days in surgery rehab. I now feel so much better than I did during the past year. I feel great, but I’m not ready to discuss it yet.

The pain wasn’t intense this hospital stay, but I needed to release the poem above now. It has been writing itself for too long, invading my mind at awkward times.

I did not have my computer with me while I was gone, so that’s my excuse for not posting any articles or poems in the last few months.

I need to get my writing rhythm back. And I will. I’ve missed Medium and all of you. I’m so glad to be back.

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Anne Chisom

Writing on whatever strikes my mood, from politics to humor (or a combination of the two), to spirituality, or whatever else shows up. Retired, not in retreat.