My Latest Dreams Are Interrupting My Sleep

Anne Chisom
2 min readMay 25, 2023
Photo by Eduardo padilha on Unsplash

The characters that live in my subconscious mind are a rowdy bunch at times, interrupting my dreams with their nightly dramas. Some of these dreams feel like pieces of karma, others feel like they ended up at the wrong address when they landed in my dreams.

Even the narrator is a stranger. Her speaking voice is gravelly and hoarse. She is someone I don’t want to know, or God forbid, recognize.

The last time I went through a phase of vivid, memorable dreams, their stories were often spiritual and sometimes just fun. This round of nocturnal stories is filled with gangster types too often and Galahads not often enough.

Even sleepy-headed, I can see there’s a theme somewhere in this, but my mind’s not ready to deliver that theme clearly when I’m awake.

During the nights when I dream of hearing music, it sometimes goes as far as harsh Black Sabbath sounds. Even on more restful nights, the soundtrack is closer to the Rolling Stones than to the Beatles.

I will know that this streak of infuriating dreams has ended when I start to hear silky, smooth, and sometimes sinuous tunes coming from Santana. I never grow tired of Santana rhythms.

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Anne Chisom
Anne Chisom

Written by Anne Chisom

Writing on whatever strikes my mood, from politics to humor (or a combination of the two), to spirituality, or whatever else shows up. Retired, not in retreat.

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