Musical Sounds and Notes

Our universe creating tunes in the air

Anne Chisom
2 min readJun 26, 2024

I can always feel the vowels
In some music, while the notes
Ride on the rhythm,
Often landing in nouns.

I have little heart to hear
The harshness of Wagner’s
Tones, clanging with clashes
That sound to me like
Never-ending anger.

Composer Leonard Cohen’s lyrics
In his song “Hallelujah” are angry
But each time I hear it
I want to sing along
And cheer when I should sneer
With the irony of the lyrics,
While mouthing “Hallelujah”.

Humans mouth the sacred sound of Aum
In tune with Earth’s never-wavering
Background hum.
Often we humans don’t know
Why we feel peaceful
With the sound of Aum.

Our inner vibrations harmonize
With the rhythm of Universal
Life energy.



Anne Chisom

Writing on whatever strikes my mood, from politics to humor (or a combination of the two), to spirituality, or whatever else shows up. Retired, not in retreat.