Member-only story
Message to Orion in Space
Spellbinding Orion in the sky, talk to me
My imagination takes over if I overstay in the hot summer’s sun. Here’s the latest message from my imagination’ meanderings as I creatively melted in the heat.
Are my ancient relatives with you?
Are they alive and well, in some manner?
Are they calling me?
In this matter, time is on my side,
Or, rather, I acknowledge that
My culture’s ideas about, and
Measurements of time
Are only guesses.
Orion, I feel you are the
Most likely home planet group
For Earthlings not presently
In an Earth phase, so
I want to visit.
If quantum physics ideas
Are right that all energy waves
And forms are occurring
Simultaneously, then
Changing frequencies allows us
To visit our ancient pasts
And the far future.
I choose to believe
Our individual souls
Are our true selves, always
With us, or, rather,
Always being us.