It’s an Inertia Day

What else can I say?

Anne Chisom


I hate inertia.
Let me do something to help.
Inaction is hard.

Think before acting!
Maturity must prevail,
Time is an ally!

I have several projects in process, but each has reached a stage where I need to wait on something or other. That would normally be okay with me, but I’ve promised to deliver a finished product in one case, and I hate to break a promise.

Adding to my restlessness are the situation in Afghanistan, where everything is literally hurry up and wait, and Haiti, where each update on the aftermath of the huge earthquake accentuates the tragedy of that event.

Both of these international events display how trivial my impatience is, compared to world events that must and will proceed at their own speeds.

So, what’s my point? Every time I watch a news report, and too many times when I hear news of friends and relatives, I am reminded anew of how fortunate I am. I am grateful beyond measure for my life as it is today. Inertia can be a blessing.

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Anne Chisom

Writing on whatever strikes my mood, from politics to humor (or a combination of the two), to spirituality, or whatever else shows up. Retired, not in retreat.